親愛的客戶,感謝您長久以來對 博辰 的支持與信賴!
隨著公司在智慧服務領域的持續成長與多元發展,我們很高興向您宣布,博辰科技全新品牌 Paytronex 正式啟用。
未來,Paytronex 將致力於智慧醫療、智慧零售、智慧停車、智慧金融、智慧政府、客製化設計等六大領域,透過創新產品與服務,持續優化您的使用體驗。
誠摯邀請您造訪我們的全新品牌官網 www.paytronex.com,清晰的分類與流暢的瀏覽設計,將讓您更方便地掌握博辰的最新資訊與動態。
Dear customers, Parktron appreciates your support and trust until now!
Parktron is growing and developing in the smart solution field, hereby we are excited to announce that our new brand mark“Paytronex” is launched.
Paytronex determines to pay attention on Smart Medical, Smart Retail, Smart Parking, Smart Finance, Smart Government, Customization Solutions etc. 6 main parts in the future. Renovating new solutions gathered sweet service may push our user experience to the next floor.
Sincerely invite you to our upgraded new official website www.paytronex.com , receiving Paytronex firsthand information.
Thanks again for your support & accompany, Paytronex will continue to provide more value for the world in the following days.